Upcoming Exhibit

Art Salon Chinatown presents

LOADED: Iconographies of Asian America

Opening Reception: Saturday February 8, 2020 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm


Art Salon Chinatown is pleased to present LOADED: Iconographies of Asian America, an exhibition inspired by the wealth of connections and contexts that problematize any simple definition of “Asian America” as a lexicon of representation. If we can accept this identifier at its most supple and capacious, as Margo Machida has suggested, then perhaps we can constructively think of “Asian American” as a descriptor that is uncomfortably and, at the same time, beautifully loaded in its geographies, affirmations, negations, possibilities, and ambiguities. 

LOADED highlights the multivalent positionality of Asian American artists, first, by offering a glimpse into the range of perspectives and modes of address through which they articulate their ideas and, second, by providing a platform for their wide-ranging iconographies to be seen and considered together. This small sampling of works is meant to implicate a vast spectrum of ideas, interests, and ways of thinking in contemporary Asian American art practice. Artists Cirilo Domine, Viet Le, Sandra Low, Thinh Nguyen, and Michelle Sui are featured in the exhibition with film, painting, drawing, textile, and installation.